Connecting Neighbors to Fight COVID-19

Corona Community Hotline : (800) 451-1954

We Need One Another,

Especially Now.

If you are at high risk of COVID-19, you may request food delivery or other services. We will connect you with volunteers (where available) who may be able to help.

  • Meals and shopping delivery.
  • Medical Necessities, such as wellness checks and prescription pick-ups.
  • Pet Supplies, such as food.
  • Mindvalley Coupons, to Watch Courses on Self-development.

How it works

  1. Request: Complete the request form below.
  2. Confirmation Call: Within a day or two, someone will call to confirm the details. We will try up to three times.
  3. Alert: We alert local partners who are delivering food, etc. See the map of covered areas, below.
  4. Connect: As they are able, a local partner may contact you directly to arrange delivery details.

Service Areas

If the map does not load, click here.

Please check back often. We are constantly increasing the service area as we work with new local partners.

Want to help?
See How To Volunteer